Monday 10 March 2014

In Another Castle....

Hello all. A while ago I had the idea that instead of having an ongoing comic series to sell at conventions I would do some short one shot books that all take place in the same world so that when people  pick it up at a show they know they are going to get a full story instead of having to wait for me to finish another issue to find out what happens (I am still working on Manifest Destiny as well which IS an on going story) Collectively the comics will be Called Exp Bonus. This is the start of the first story; "In Another Castle" It WILL update on Mondays; I can guarantee that as I have a bit of a buffer already just in case life happens.

Without any further ado, let 's get this story started....
Things parodied on this page; The Skyrim TV commercial.

Here is a look at some of my sketches for this story..

As a final note, there is Toons on Tap this coming Wednesday, The theme will be the comic book Sandman, with the ever awesome models Dave Mckenna, and Patricia Absynthe (they played the Beetlejuice and Lydia from the Beetlejuice session). The session is being sponsored by Autodesk and as such the first 45 people to show up will receive a free copy of Sketchbook pro. SB pro is an AWESOME piece of software, and what I use to do many of my life drawings that you see on the Blog (And what I have been coloring In Another Castle  in recently. So come on out to the Round Wednesday night it's going to be awesome.

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